Childbirth pain plagued by Two Guys (man )

It is time for a woman to bear the pain, I have a lot of interest puruserai. The experience of childbirth pain is real? This chapter has been strikingly TV presenter Dennis Storm and bhalerio nedaralyandera the genre.

They went to the hospital with an artificial device practical experience pain in childbirth.

One of them in front of the camera at the time of entering into the fun, the women say that it is the most difficult task. However, in our opinion, all the little girls are Increasing. "

The body of the electrical device (ilekatradasa) when you start to have pain in their courageous spirit is netiye. I love that you have to go look. The earlier increase their pain citkarao grow higher. Yantranaya the presenter told the press that pillow, I have always churate. Only two hours away is not going to open up the machine prompts you for the 'birapurusa.

The exit from the hospital at the time of the crash two Dutch men and expression, it is actually very good.

Genre presenter said, 'The mother of the joke. Mother, forgive me wait. 'His sbikarukti, women superheroes really.'    

Angelina Jolie had her breast removed

Because of the fear of cancer and infection risk genes have been removed by surgery, both stanai Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. New York Times magazine gatakalamangalabara 'My Medical Choice, the one I told you about 37-year-old Jolie

Popular actress Angelina Jolie's mother was suffering from breast cancer and died at the age of just 56 years. After reading the body of the mother, Jolie's doctor said the cancer gene, the risk of breast cancer cases and 87 percent of the affected ovary cancer risk by 50 percent. Jolie, the mother of his own children do not die early, he would survive. The aspirations of both breasts removed, he took the brave decision.

New York Times - The Jolie wrote, "We often talk about my mother's death. He died of illness, but children are trying to tell us. I know, I can do the same disease. I always Kim, do not fear. But the reality is, my body is a problematic gene. 'Lara Croft: tuma reidara, cenjalim, Mr. and Mrs. Smith - Featured in the movie's heroine, Jolie said, "when in fact it was, I decided to reduce the risks as much as possible. Stanai prevent cancer by removing the two were forced to decide. '
Jolie said, another partner Hollywood star Brad Pitt refers to this all the time with support from his side.

After treatment for breast cancer risk has been reduced to 87 percent from 5 percent  

Exclusive Bandarban Picture

Bandarban tourism and travel information such as accommodation, festivals,
transport, maps, activities and attractions in Bandarban

Over the years Bandarban has been the most beautiful tourist destination of Bangladesh. Nature has adorned this region with its magnificent and splendid green ornaments. Beauty is scattered everywhere of Bandarban in magnanimous mood. One will find the virgin beauty of Bandarban on every step he or she advances. Nature is extravagant here. Behind the name of Bandarban there is an overwhelming story. Long time ago this district was a great natural habitat for monkeys and it was crisscrossed by numerous canals (jhiri). Monkeys used to collect fruits from forests on the other side of the canal and cross it. After eating and collection of fruits, they returned in the same way as a group. When they crossed canals it looked like a dam from a distance. It caught the sight of local Marma community and they termed it as Magci. Here Mag means monkeys and Ci means dam. Gradually it has been transformed in the local dialect Bandarbon. With the passage of time it has undergone a phonetic change and now it is Bandarban

তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকার চায় ৯০% মানুষ @ প্রথম আলোর জরিপ

ঢাকা: আগামী জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচন নির্দলীয় তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের অধীনে সম্পন্ন করার ব্যাপারে দেশের মানুষ প্রায় একযোগে মত দিয়েছে। শনিবার দৈনিক প্রথম আলোতে প্রকাশিত এক জরিপে এ তথ্য দেয়া হয়েছে।

প্রথম আলোর উদ্যোগে পেশাদার জরিপ পরিচালনাকারী সংস্থা ওআরজি-কোয়েস্ট রিসার্চ লিমিটেড পরিচালিত সাম্প্রতিক এক জরিপে দেখা গেছে, আগের বছরগুলোর তুলনায় তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের পক্ষে জনমত এখন আরো জোরালো। বেশির ভাগ মানুষ মনে করছেন, দেশের পরিস্থিতি হতাশাব্যঞ্জক। দেশের সাম্প্রতিক অবস্থা নিয়ে মানুষের মতামত যাচাইয়ের জন্য গত ৯ থেকে ২০ এপ্রিলের মধ্যে এ জরিপ পরিচালনা করা হয়।

এই জরিপ নিয়ে প্রথম আলোর প্রতিবেদনটি হুবহু তুলে ধরা হলো:

অধিকাংশ মানুষ এ কথা মনে করছেন যে, যুদ্ধাপরাধের বিচারের দ্বিতীয় ও তৃতীয় রায় ঘোষণার পর পর উদ্ভূত পরিস্থিতি সরকার নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে পারেনি। জামায়াতে ইসলামীর রাজনীতি নিষিদ্ধ করার বিপক্ষেও সংখ্যাগরিষ্ঠ মত পাওয়া গেছে।

নির্বাচনকালীন সরকার, দেশের চলমান পরিস্থিতি ও এই প্রেক্ষাপটে সরকারের গৃহীত পদক্ষেপ, জামায়াতের রাজনীতি নিষিদ্ধকরণ, বিদ্যমান পরিস্থিতিতে সেনা হস্তক্ষেপের শঙ্কা এবং বিতর্কিত বিভিন্ন দলের সঙ্গে প্রধান রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর জোটবদ্ধতা ইত্যাদি বিষয়ে এই জরিপে মানুষ তাদের মতামত জানিয়েছেন। এসব মতামতে দেশের এক সংশয়পূর্ণ ছবি ফুটে উঠেছে।

জরিপটি পরিচালিত হয় দেশের প্রতিটি প্রশাসনিক বিভাগের ৩০টি জেলা শহর ও গ্রামের তিন হাজার প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক মানুষের ওপর। বাংলাদেশের জনবিন্যাস অনুযায়ী উত্তরদাতাদের অনুপাত প্রতিনিধিত্বশীল রাখা হয়।

বিশ্বের বহু প্রতিষ্ঠিত গণমাধ্যম ও জরিপ পরিচালনাকারী প্রতিষ্ঠান এ পদ্ধতিতে জনমত যাচাই করে থাকে। ইউরোপিয়ান সোসাইটি ফর অপিনিয়ন অ্যান্ড মার্কেট রিসার্চের (ইসোমার) আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে স্বীকৃত নৈতিক মানদণ্ড অক্ষুণ্ন রেখে জরিপটি করা হয়েছে।

জরিপে দেখা গেছে, দেশের বিপুলসংখ্যক মানুষ নির্দলীয় অথবা তত্ত্বাবধায়ক সরকারের অধীনে আগামী জাতীয় নির্বাচন চায়। এই দাবির পক্ষে মানুষের সংখ্যা এখন ৯০ শতাংশ। ২০১১ ও ২০১২ সালের জনমত জরিপেও মানুষের এ আকাঙ্ক্ষা প্রকাশ করেছিল। কিন্তু আগের জরিপের প্রায় অর্ধবছরের ব্যবধানে এর পক্ষে যথেষ্ট হারে জনমত বেড়েছে।

বেশির ভাগ মানুষ দেশের বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি নিয়ে উদ্বিগ্ন। জরিপে অংশগ্রহণকারীদের মধ্যে অর্ধেক মানুষ বলেছে, দেশ অত্যন্ত খারাপ অবস্থার মধ্য দিয়ে যাচ্ছে। বাকি অর্ধেকের মধ্যেও ৩৫ শতাংশ মানুষের ধারণা, দেশ খারাপ অবস্থা পার করছে। এতে করে দেখা যায়, মোট ৮৫ শতাংশ মানুষ দেশের অবস্থা খারাপ বলে মনে করছে।
বিদ্যমান পরিস্থিতিতে যে সরকার কোনো কার্যকর পদক্ষেপ নিতে পারেনি, এও তাদের হতাশার অন্যতম কারণ।

আওয়ামী লীগের নেতৃত্বাধীন মহাজোট সরকারের প্রথম বর্ষপূর্তির সময় পরিচালিত জরিপে অধিকাংশ মানুষের মধ্যে এই প্রত্যাশা ছিল যে, ভবিষ্যতে হরতাল, অবরোধ ও সহিংসতায় ভরা নৈরাজ্যকর অবস্থা আর ফিরে আসবে না। পরবর্তী বছরগুলোতে তাদের এ আশাবাদে ক্রমাগত ভাঙন ধরেছে।

আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালের বিচারে কাদের মোল্লা ও দেলাওয়ার হোসাইন সাঈদীর রায় ঘোষণার পর সারা দেশে যে তীব্র হিংসাত্মক ঘটনা ঘটে, ৭৯ শতাংশ মানুষ মনে করে, সরকার তা সামলাতে পারেনি। খুব কমসংখ্যক মানুষই বলেছে যে সরকার সুষ্ঠুভাবে পরিস্থিতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে পেরেছে।

প্রসঙ্গত, ২০০৯ সালের জরিপে বিপুল সংখ্যায় মানুষ যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের বিচারের দাবি করে এবং মহাজোট সরকার এ বিচারের কাজ সম্পন্ন করতে পারবে বলে প্রত্যাশা জানায়।

এবারের জনমত জরিপে অর্ধেকেরও বেশি মানুষ জামায়াতে ইসলামীকে নিষিদ্ধ করার বিপক্ষে মত দিয়েছে। শাহবাগের গণজাগরণ মঞ্চের পক্ষে সমর্থন জানিয়েছে প্রায় এক-চতুর্থাংশ উত্তরদাতা। পক্ষান্তরে এর বিপক্ষে মত দিয়েছে অর্ধেকের সামান্য কিছু বেশি মানুষ। জরিপে দেখা গেছে, উল্লেখযোগ্য পরিমাণে প্রায় প্রতি পাঁচজনের একজন মানুষ গণজাগরণ মঞ্চের আন্দোলন সম্পর্কে জানে না।

শাহবাগের গণজাগরণ মঞ্চ ব্যাপক জনসমর্থন নিয়ে তাদের আন্দোলন শুরু করে। পরে প্রধান বিরোধী দলসহ বিভিন্ন রাজনৈতিক দল ও গোষ্ঠী তাদের নিয়ে সমালোচনামুখর হয়ে উঠলে এবং তাদের সম্পর্কে নানা অপপ্রচার চললে মানুষের মধ্যে মিশ্র প্রতিক্রিয়া হয়।

বেশির ভাগ মানুষ বিতর্কিত দলের সঙ্গে প্রধান রাজনৈতিক দলগুলোর সংস্রব ও সম্পর্ক অপছন্দ করে। অর্ধেকেরও বেশি উত্তরদাতা আওয়ামী লীগের সঙ্গে জাতীয় পার্টির এবং বিএনপির সঙ্গে জামায়াতে ইসলামীর জোটবদ্ধ থাকার বিপক্ষে।

বিদ্যমান পরিস্থিতিতে সামরিক বাহিনী হস্তক্ষেপ করতে পারে কি না, এ প্রশ্নের জবাবে পক্ষে-বিপক্ষে মানুষের মতামত প্রায় কাছাকাছি। তবে এর মধ্যেও কিছু বেশি সংখ্যক মানুষ মনে করে তেমন কোন আশঙ্কা নেই। বেশ উল্লেখযোগ্য পরিমাণে—প্রায় প্রতি চারজনের একজন—বলেছে যে, এ ব্যাপারে তারা কিছু বলতে চায় না বা কিছু জানে না।

U.S. Colleges Are Worth the Investment: Former Secretary of Education

   1. Harvey Mudd College
   2. California Institute of Technology
   3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
   4. Stanford University
   5. Princeton University
   6. Harvard University
   7. Dartmouth College
   8. Duke University
   9. University of Pennsylvania
  10. University of Notre Dame

The U.S. is home to some of the greatest colleges and universities in the world. But with the student debt load at more than $1 trillion and youth unemployment elevated, when assessing the value of a college education, that’s only one part of the story.

Former Secretary of Education William Bennett, author of Is College Worth It, sat down with The Daily Ticker on the sidelines of the Milken Institute's 2013 Global Conference to talk about whether college is worth it.

“We have about 21 million people in higher education, and about half the people who start four year colleges don’t finish,” Bennett tells The Daily Ticker. “Those who do finish, who graduated in 2011 - half were either unemployed or radically underemployed and in debt.”

That average student loan balance for a 25-year-old is $20,326, according to the Federal Reserve of New York. Student debt is second largest source of U.S. household debt, after only mortgages.

Bennett assessed the “return on investment” for the 3500 colleges and universities in the country. He found that returns were positive for only 150 institutions. The top 10 schools ranked by Bennett as having the best "ROI" are below

Best Airlines for Cashing In

Booking a free ticket with your frequent-flier miles can seem like casino gambling: Getting what you want is like hitting a jackpot, but more often than not, the house wins. Not all airlines offer the same odds. Availability of award tickets at the basic mileage level on United Airlines is twice as good, for example, as on Delta Air Lines or US Airways, according to the Switchfly Reward Seat Availability Survey. The survey, to be released Thursday, found that United had seats available on 80% of the queries made. Delta and US Airways both had the lowest availability rate among the 25 airlines, at only 36.4%. Southwest Airlines and JetBlue Airways scored best among U.S. airlines. Those two, along with other discount airlines, showed greater availability than airlines with big international networks. Southwest had seats available for every query. Southwest's AirTran Airways unit had seats available for 95% of queries, while JetBlue offered seats 88.6% of the time.

 The disparity in availability is "not accidental," said Jay Sorensen, president of IdeaWorksCompany, a consulting firm that conducted the study. Some airlines "consciously provide more award seats." The survey also tested booking tickets just five to 15 days before departure in April. The chances of getting tickets were better than when booking three to seven months in advance on Delta, US Airways and American Airlines. This indicates airlines have gotten more aggressive about making unsold seats available shortly before departure to make sure planes take off full. Delta's short-term booking rate increased 35 points over the same period in 2012. Cashing in miles has been a source of long-standing frustration. Some fliers set clocks to request free tickets at midnight 331 days, or about 11 months, before departure—traditionally the moment airlines open a flight for booking—only to find no seats available on popular flights. And airlines have raised the price of award tickets by introducing higher-cost award tiers, reducing availability at the lowest award level. Overall, average award availability was about the same as last year, at 71.1%. Availability increased at discount airlines and declined at more traditional carriers with extensive international networks. "Ongoing consolidation and capacity cuts continue to squeeze reward seat availability," said Daniel Farrar, chief executive of Switchfly Inc., a technology company that provides software for loyalty programs at airlines, hotels and banks, and sponsored the study. Travelers have an easier time getting free tickets on discount carriers in part because they generally have short flights with multiple departures each day on each route. Airlines generally make more seats available on short flights. They tend to offer intercontinental trips only once or twice a day, and they have more confidence they can sell seats to cash-paying customers rather than giving them away for miles. Some airlines, including Southwest, are also simply answering customer demand that frequent-flier miles be easier to cash in. "This was one of the pain points that we tried to solve with the new program," said Ryan Green, Southwest's senior director of loyalty and partnerships. [More from Leaner Airlines, Meaner Routes] Southwest's old program had limits on availability. Southwest's new program, launched in March 2011, offers an award price for any ticket available for sale. Southwest's percentage of its passenger traffic flying on awards increased to 9% in 2012, from 8.3% a year earlier, according to the company's annual 10-K filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The survey found seats for a huge majority of queries across all airlines for flights under 2,500 miles: nearly 85%. But the success rate for seats dropped to only 43% for flights longer than 2,500 miles. Among carriers offering long-haul trips, Singapore Airlines was the most generous for its frequent fliers, making seats available on 94% of queries. US Airways was the stingiest with its long flights, with award seats available on only 4.3% of queries. Air France-KLM showed the biggest improvement of any of the 25 airlines in the survey, with availability jumping 22.2 points to 77.9%. An Air France spokeswoman said that as part of an improvement program, the carrier did "indeed try to make more award seats available." Delta and US Airways have scored at the bottom for award seats all four years of the survey, though both have upped their availability. In 2010, both carriers offered seats to fewer than 13% of the IdeaWorks queries. Delta says it, like other airlines, offers all seats on planes to frequent fliers, just at higher mileage cost than the lowest redemption level, which is 25,000 miles for a domestic coach round-trip ticket. Both Delta and US Airways have a three-tier redemption structure, offering seats at the basic level, a midtier level at around 40,000 miles for a domestic coach ticket and a full-fare level for as many as 60,000 miles for domestic coach round trips. A Delta spokeswoman said the carrier was pleased the survey showed its increased availability for close-in bookings, something Delta has tried to boost. Half of all Delta award tickets are now booked within 60 days of departure. "Award demand is at an all-time high," she said. Yet Delta customers actually redeemed fewer awards last year compared with 2011, according to the company's SEC filings, and the percentage of passenger traffic flying on awards last year dipped as well. US Airways, which said in its 10-K filing that its redemption totals were unchanged from 2011, notes that its short-haul route structure means its customers take longer to reach awards and many prefer to redeem awards on partner airlines for long trips. That availability doesn't show up on the airline's website—customers have to call—so it wouldn't be included in the study, a US Airways spokesman noted

 Consumers earn more miles these days as rewards from credit-card companies and other vendors rather than from actual flying. American Airlines reported in its SEC filings that it issued 209 billion frequent-flier miles in 2012; 66% of them were sold by the airline to partner companies to give as rewards to their customers. The allure of free travel to prized destinations has remained a powerful driver of consumer loyalty. The survey is based on 7,000 booking requests for two seats at the lowest mileage level, now often called "saver" awards, at 25 airlines. Each airline's website receives 280 queries on their busiest routes. Consumers can sometimes find better award availability by calling airlines and getting an experienced agent to hunt for seats and check the inventory of airline partners. The vast majority of award tickets, however, are booked online. IdeaWorks made queries in March for travel dates spanning June through October, and selected itineraries that always included a Saturday-night stay with travel on each airline's top 10 routes under 2,500 miles and 10 busiest routes longer than 2,500 miles in order to evaluate availability in each carrier's strongest markets. Circuitous routes and layovers longer than four hours were rejected. IdeaWorks kept track of the lowest offer each airline had for seats on trips under 2,500 miles and found Southwest had the lowest average cost, at 9,353 points. US Airways had the highest, with an average of 31,143 miles required to get a round-trip ticket for flights under 2,500 miles.

Nawaz Sharif set for victory ( Pakistan election )

Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif has claimed victory in general elections. Projections based on partial results suggest a big lead for Mr Sharif's Muslim League (PML-N) party. Saturday's election saw a large turnout and should pave the way for the country's first transition from one elected government to another. The governing Pakistan People's Party has lost many seats. It wa
s one of several secular parties unable to campaign freely due to Taliban attacks. Most of the remaining PPP seats look likely to be in its heartland of Sindh province. The poll was generally seen as having passed off successfully, but violence on Saturday claimed at least 24 lives. Continue reading the main story Analysis image of M Ilyas Khan M Ilyas Khan BBC News, Islamabad Of the many surprises thrown up by Pakistani elections, the most important is the possibility that twice Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif could win a straight majority instead of having to cobble together a coalition, as was earlier expected. It will make the job of decision making simpler. But it will also put Mr Sharif into a tough situation. As an opposition leader, he has distanced himself from the outgoing government's fight against militancy, and has generally leaned towards the religious right-wing. But with the looming Nato withdrawal from Afghanistan, he will be under pressure to revisit this policy. His economic performance will also partially depend on how he tackles militancy as foreign donors will expect continued action against the Taliban in return for assistance in overcoming Pakistan's balance of payments crisis. Analysts attribute his victory largely to his promises of correcting Pakistan's energy supply and encouraging economic growth. Since the bulk of his support is confined to the province of Punjab, he will need to work for a broader consensus across the country if he is to succeed in meeting these challenges. An election commission spokesman said turnout had been around 60%. In 2008 it was 44%. 'Thank Allah' Official results are coming in slowly, but projections put Mr Sharif's party ahead in more than 100 of the 272 directly elected parliamentary seats. It appears that Mr Sharif's party may avoid the need to form a coalition with other parties in the National Assembly. In a speech at his party headquarters in the north-eastern city of Lahore, Mr Sharif appealed "for all parties to come to the table and sit with me and solve the country's problems". "We should thank Allah that he has given PML-N [Muslim League] another chance to serve you and Pakistan," he said. Mr Sharif's victory is largely confined to his native Punjab province, which has nearly 60% of the country's population. However, projections show he should have a large enough bloc in parliament to govern with the help of independents. The prospect of Mr Sharif forming a new government represents a remarkable political comeback for a man deposed by Gen Pervez Musharraf in a coup in 1999 and subsequently put on trial and given a jail sentence, says the BBC's Mike Wooldridge in Islamabad. A deal with Saudi Arabia meant he spent time in exile there before returning in 2007 to contest polls the following year. Taliban threats Former cricketer Imran Khan, leader of the Movement of Justice (PTI) party, sent a message of congratulations to Mr Sharif. Mr Khan looks to be on course to win a big victory in a constituency in the city of Peshawar, capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province. The PTI looks set to be the largest party in the provincial assembly in the troubled north-western KP province, plagued by a conflict between security forces and militants. Continue reading the main story Nawaz Sharif * Born in 1949 to family of a prominent Lahore industrialist * Served as Punjab's chief minister from 1985 to 1990 under military dictator Zia ul-Haq * Previous terms as prime minister 1990-1993 and 1997-1999 * Deposed by Gen Musharraf and given a jail term * Went into exile in Saudi Arabia before returning in 2007 * Seen as conservative and pro-business * Profile: Nawaz Sharif * What win means for region However, Mr Khan had thought he had done much better and will be very disappointed with the results, the BBC's Owen Bennett Jones reports from Lahore. Mr Khan's supporters will want him to hold the government to account in opposition, but it is to be seen whether he is prepared to do that, our correspondent adds. President Asif Ali Zardari's PPP is in a race for second place with the PTI, but both seem likely to win fewer than than 40 seats. Outgoing Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf suffered a crushing defeat in his own seat in Rawalpindi. The PPP hardly tried - because of Taliban threats against it but also because of a lack of will as it was so unpopular - our correspondent adds. Gen Musharraf made a dramatic return to Pakistan in March to contest the elections, but was disqualified from standing. His APML party is not expected to win more than a handful of seats. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote Perhaps we have finally moved towards the realisation that the only hope for us lies in holding on to democracy, and ensuring it moves forward” End Quote Editorial in Pakistani newspaper The News * Press celebrates * In pictures: Voters' defiance Saturday's poll saw contests in 272 directly-elected seats for the National Assembly. There are a further 70 seats reserved for women and minorities which will be apportioned according to the parties' performance in the directly elected constituencies. The Pakistani Taliban threatened to carry out suicide attacks ahead of the election. They have been blamed for numerous attacks throughout the campaign on Pakistan's three most prominent liberal parties. The PPP along with the Karachi-based Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) and the Awami National Party (ANP) were singled out for threats, and were forced to curtail their campaigning as a result. In the run-up to the election, more than 100 people died in election-related violence. Before polls opened, Pakistan sealed its borders with Iran and Afghanistan in an effort to keep foreign militants at bay. Officials said the borders would remain closed for the next three days. On election day itself, the Pakistan Taliban said they planted a bomb which killed 11 people and wounded 40 others outside the office of the Awami National Party in Karachi. There were also deadly attacks in Balochistan and the north-western city of Peshawar. On Sunday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai congratulated Pakistan on conducting a "successful general election" and called on the incoming government to expand co-operation in combating Taliban militancy.

Dhaka building collapse: Woman pulled alive from rubble after 400 hours

A woman has been pulled alive from the ruins of an eight-storey building that collapsed in a suburb of Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka, 17 days ago. Rescuers said the woman, named Reshma, was found in the remains of the second floor of the Rana Plaza after they heard her crying: "Please save me." She has been taken to hospital, but is not thought to have serious injuries. More than 1,000 are now confirmed to have died, most of them women working in clothes factories. The authorities said 2,437 people had been rescued, of whom about 1,000 had suffered serious injuries. Advertisement Reshma: "I kept banging whatever I could with my legs but no-one could hear me" Dozens lost limbs as they were cut free from the wreckage. The accident is one of the deadliest industrial disasters in history. Crews using heavy machinery have begun removing rubble from the worst-damaged areas, and are expecting to find more bodies. Brig-Gen Siddiqul Alam said rescuers had found a huge number of bodies under staircases. "When the building started to collapse, workers thought they would be safe under the staircases. Each time we moved a slab of concrete, we found a stack of bodies," he said. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote Over two weeks after collapse, there is still no agreement on exactly how many workers and staff were present in the building” End Quote Sabir Mustafa BBC Bengali service * How many missing? 'I'm still here' Soldiers were reported to have been preparing to break through a large concrete slab at about 15:15 local time (10:15 GMT) on Friday when the woman was discovered. The worker who first discovered her told the BBC Bengali service: "I was cutting iron rods when I suddenly found a silvery stick just moving from a hole. "I looked closer and heard someone calling 'Please save me'. I immediately called over soldiers and firefighters." Officers ordered workers operating heavy machinery to stop, and rescuers used video and audio detection equipment to locate her exact position. Crews saw a woman waving her hand, and she shouted "I'm still here" and told rescuers her name was Reshma. Within minutes, hundreds of soldiers and firefighters rushed to the scene to help clear the rubble, says the BBC's Akbar Hossain in Dhaka. The woman said that she was not badly hurt, and she was given water and biscuits while handsaws and drilling equipment were brought in to cut through iron rods and debris. Continue reading the main story Rubble survivor records * Naqsha Bibi - buried for 63 days in what had been her kitchen after 2005 Pakistan quake; survived on rotten food and water * Evans Monsignac - trapped for 27 days in the rubble after 2010 Haiti tremor; stayed alive by drinking sewage water * Park Seung Hyun - pulled from the wreckage of a supermarket in South Korea in 1995, 16 days after it collapsed; drank rainwater * Pedrito Dy - spent 14 days in the ruins of a hotel after the 1990 Philippines tremor; drank water and urine * How long can survivors last? Rescuers worked for 40 minutes before finally pulling her from the rubble, amid cheers from the crowd. She was taken to an ambulance and then rushed to the nearby Combined Military Hospital for evaluation and treatment. She later told local TV from her hospital bed that she never dreamt she would see daylight again. "I heard voices of the rescue workers for several days. I kept hitting the wreckage with sticks and rods to attract their attention. No-one heard me," she said. "I ate dried food for 15 days. The last two days I had nothing but water." Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, whose government has been criticised for lax oversight of the clothing industry, spoke to the woman on the telephone. Ms Hasina was reportedly flying to the hospital by helicopter to meet her. Rana Plaza had housed several factories that made clothes for companies including Western retailers. A preliminary government report suggested the collapse was been triggered when electricity generators switched on during a blackout. At least nine people have been arrested over the accident, including the owner of the building and several factory bosses.

‘American Idol’ The Dawg Days Are Over

It's the end of an era, dawg. After a dozen seasons of faithful (dawgged?) service, "American Idol's" only constant judge, Randy Jackson, is no longer in it to win it. Randy has confirmed to E! News that he will be leaving "Idol" after Season 12. "Yo! Yo! Yo! To put all of the speculation to the rest, after 12 years of judging on 'American Idol' I have decided it is time to leave after this season," Randy announced in his characteristically colorful manner. "I am very proud of how we forever changed television and the music industry. It's been a life-changing opportunity, but I am looking forward to focusing on my company Dream Merchant 21 and other business ventures." Randy's announcement comes the day after The Wrap reported that Fox supposedly intends to fire all of the current judges (and maybe even longtime producer Nigel Lythgoe) next season--so it's possible that this is a case of Randy jumping before he is pushed. This news also comes right after Yahoo!'s Reality Rocks reported that Randy is no longer managing the career of fellow judge Mariah Carey. I have mixed feelings about this news. It can be argued--and it has been argued, by me, many times in the past--that Randy was often a useless judge, reducing his critiques to catchphrases and clichés ("dawg," "yo," "in it to win it," "for me for you for me," "she's gotta have it!") and obnoxious celebrity name-dropping, rather than drawing on his years of actual experience working and playing with everyone from Carlos Santana and Jerry Garcia to grand divas like Whitney Houston, Celine Dion, Fergie, Aretha Franklin, Madonna, and of course Mariah. Knowing the impressive background Randy had as a record label executive, artist manager, and session musician, it was at times downright frustrating for me to sit back and watch him just play the fool for laughs (or for ratings). But still. Randy may have been a buffoon sometimes, but he was always part of the "Idol" family--outlasting Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, Kara DioGuardi, Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler, and, lest we forget, Brian Dunkleman. There was a certain comfort that came from having Randy around and hearing him reliably hash out the same critiques over and over and over again. "Idol" just won't be the same without the Dawg. For me for you for me. A representative for Fox declined to comment. Related links:

Bangladesh factory collapse toll passes 1,000

The control room set up at the site said the death toll now stood at 1027 at 9:15am in the morning. This is easily the world's worst incident of collapse of an industrial-commercial structure by itself. The 9/11 Twin Towers tragedy led to more loss of lives but it was the result of an unprecedented terror strike and not a case of structural failure as the Rana Plaza collapse. More bodies were showing up during rescue efforts at the back-side of the building where the staircases were located. Over a hundred bodies were found between Thursday to Friday morning. Most of the bodies were mangled beyond recognition. They are now being identified through ID cards or cell phones if they found with the bodies. The Bangladesh Army says they have handed over 710 bodies to relatives until Frida
y morning. After recovery, the bodies were being taken to local Adharchandra High School field for identification. Savar Correspondent reported that there were 111 bodies were lying there at this hour. Meanwhile, Anjuman Mofidul Islam had buried 157 unclaimed bodies until Friday morning. Rescuers said they could remove only the front portion of the nine-storied building. They were yet to reach the basement. Operations at the back of the building began on Wednesday night. The debris of even one of the storeys could not be removed from there. The rescue operation might take a few more days, according to Fire Brigade officials. However on Wednesday, a notice was hung saying salvaging may end within a day or two. Bangladesh Army 9th Infantry Division GOC Maj Gen Chowdhury Hassan Suhrawardy, at a May 1 press briefing, had said 149 were missing until then. However, from May 1 until Frisay morning, 630 bodies have been recovered. Workers had claimed that there were more than 5,500 working in those five garment factories in the building. Dhaka District Administrator Mohammad Yousuf Harun said 76 unclaimed bodies were buried in Jurain graveyard from Thursday noon to night. “A total of 156 unclaimed bodies have been buried.” DNA samples of those unclaimed bodies are being preserved for any future claims.

World of Warcraft subscribers are leaving

All is not well in Azeroth.

Approximately 1.3 million subscribers have left World of Warcraft’s fantasy universe in the past three months, Activision-Blizzard reported in an earnings call Wednesday.

According to the company, most of those departures were players in the East, though a significant number of Western players left as well. All told, the game now has about 8.3 million paying customers -- down from 9.6 million in February -- and Activision CEO Bobby Kotick admits that number is bound to drop even further.

“While we do believe further declines are likely, and we expect to have fewer subscribers in a year then we do today, World of Warcraft remains one of the most successful franchises in the history of entertainment,” he said.

Once far and away the largest online role-playing game, World of Warcraft’s numbers have dwindled as competition from free-to-play alternatives has gained steam. In 2010, the game peaked at over 12 million paying customers, but that number dropped to about 9 million prior to the launch of the Mists of Pandaria expansion last September. Though the game enjoyed a small bump thanks to that expansion’s solid sales, it couldn’t maintain it.

That's not entirely shocking considering Warcraft's advanced age. First launched back in 2004, it's one of the longest-running massively-multiplayer games still vying for a slice of the online gaming pie. While the game's quartet of official expansions have done a good job keeping gamers coming back, increased pressure from a wealth of free-to-play online competitors -- not to mention a shaky economy -- have made the game's subscription-based pricing model harder and harder to swallow.

That's not lost on the game's creators, either, who are currently toiling away on a free-to-play, collectible card game spin-off, Hearthstone, due out this summer.

Investors aren't interested in waiting, however, and responded to the grim player exodus by backing away from Activision’s stock, which dropped 5 percent in after-hours trading.

And it’s not likely to get much better for the company. Kotick painted a pretty rough picture for the remainder of 2013.

"While we have had a solid start to the year, we now believe that the risks and uncertainties in the back half of 2013 are more challenging than our earlier view, especially in the holiday quarter," he told investors. "The shift in release dates of competing products, the disappointing launch of the Wii U, uncertainties regarding next-generation hardware, and subscriber declines in our World of Warcraft business all raise concerns, as do continued challenges in the global economy."

Though he didn’t name names, it’s clear Kotick is concerned with EA’s Battlefield 4, expected to be one of the year’s biggest sellers and a direct competitor to Activision’s Call of Duty: Ghosts. The company's lucrative Skylanders franchise is also expecting a test later this year in the form of Disney Infinity, a toy/game hybrid based on Disney's myriad potent properties.

Mirpur factory fire In Bangladesh 8 Pepole Kiled 

he incident took place on the ground floor of Tung Hai Sweater Factory housed in an 11-storey building near Mirpur Bangla College on the Darussalam Road at around 11pm. The flames soon roared through to the second floor.

BGMEA President Atiqul Islam told reporters at the scene that the fire baffled them since the factory was closed. “We’ll look into the incident.”

The Additional Deputy Inspector General was named as ZA Morshed and the Managing Director as Mahbubur Rahman, who was also a Director of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA).

The other casualties were identified as Rahman’s three friends – Comilla district Juba League President Sohel Mostafa Swapan, Emdadur Rahman Badal and Syed Nasim Reza – the DIG’s body guard Ripon Chakma, and Tung Hai Office Assistant Sahabuddin.

Another person, identified as a painter, died after being brought to the Square Hospital.

Officer-in-Charge of Darussalam Police Station Khalilur Rahman confirmed the casualties.

Sub-Inspector of Sher-e Bangla Nagar Police Station Razu Ahmed said Morshed’s body was taken to his Gulshan residence. Rahman’s body was kept at the Apollo Hospitals.

The bodies of all other victims were handed over to their relatives. Ripon’s body is kept at the police station.

Fire Service and Civil Defence control room official Nazrul Islam told that 13 fire fighting units tamed the flames after about two hours of frantic efforts.

The factory’s General Manager Jamedur Rahman said the victims were having a meeting on the ninth floor of the building when the fire broke out.

He said that Morshed and Rahman were close friends and Morshed in plainclothes had come to see Rahman. The DIG went to the factory in a Pajero car.

A duty doctor at the Emergency Department of the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases and Hospital (NICDH) was quoted by the media as saying five were brought there but four of them, including factory’s Managing Director and the police official, were declared dead on arrival. Another succumbed to his injuries later.

The injured were rushed to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital.
TV reports say most of the workers left the factory at around 7pm and its Managing Director and some other officials were on the ninth floor of the building.

It is believed that Rahman and others felt sick after inhaling smoke while some fainted trying to escape.

A security guard of the factory Md Borhanuddin said the factory was closed when the fire broke out. An electrical overhauling was made at the storehouse of the factory after the closure. He suspected the fire might have originated there.

Media reports quoting a factory supervisor say some female employees were working on the first and second floors when the fire broke out, but they left the factory unhurt. 

New Zealand is mystery spawned after bizarre-looking carcass washes ashore ‘Sea monster’

A bizarre-looking carcass washed ashore recently on a New Zealand beach, fueling speculation that it was some sort of sea monster.
This is because the head and teeth of the deteriorated corpse resembled that of something ferocious and prehistoric, while the rest of the creature was unidentifiable to beachgoers who made the discovery because of its state of decay.
A YouTube video described the carcass on Pukehina Beach in the Bay of Plenty as belonging to a “strange marine creature” and the uploader asked: “Can anyone identify what it is? It has a huge head and teeth with rudimentary flippers. It seems about 9 [meters] in length but the lower part of the body is probably mainly entrails from an attack.”
Finally, however, the mystery appears to have been solved. The sea monster, according to a marine mammal expert, was most likely simply a killer whale, or orca. (Killer whales are commonly seen in the Bay of Plenty.)

Anton van Helden told New Zealand’s Sun Live newspaper that his identification was based on the fin structure of the animal.

Discovery News reported on the find under the headline: “‘Monster’ Carcass Washes Ashore in New Zealand,” and explained that creatures washing ashore in severe states of decomposition have been misidentified as sea monsters or dinosaurs for generations.

Some of these massive, unidentifiable blobs have been dubbed “blobsters.”

Discovery cites an 1896 incident in which a massive 6-foot-high “fleshy corpse” came ashore at St. Augustine, Florida. After lots of speculation a naturalist decided it belonged to some type of giant octopus, previously unknown to science.

In 2003, a 40-foot, 13-ton creature washed ashore on a beach in Chile. It was labeled by BBC News as the “Chilean Blob” and the remains were presumed by one expert to be those of a giant octopus or squid, and by another as whale blubber.

Based in DNA analysis, the blubber, in fact, was found to match that of a sperm whale.

রাজনৈতিক কর্মসূচীতে জড়ানো হচ্ছে শিশুদেরও 

বাংলাদেশে সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে বিভিন্ন রাজনৈতিক কর্মসূচীতে শিশুদের ব্যাপক হারে ব্যবহার হতে দেখা যাচ্ছে।
চারিদিকে মুহুর্মুহু গুলি ছুড়ছে পুলিশ, আর এরই মধ্যে দুটি পক্ষ একে অপরের সঙ্গে সংঘর্ষে লিপ্ত। ঢাকা চট্টগ্রাম মহাসড়কের দশ কিলোমিটার এলাকা জুড়ে সোমবার দিনভর এমন সংঘর্ষ চলেছে দুটি পক্ষের মধ্যে।
একটি পক্ষে পুলিশের সাথে সরকারি দলের সমর্থকেরা, অপর পক্ষ স্পষ্টতই হেফাজতে ইসলামের সমর্থক, যদিও অনুসন্ধানে দেখা গেছে এই পক্ষে বিরোধী বিএনপি এবং জামায়াত-শিবির সমর্থিত অনেক মানুষ রয়েছে।
দুই তরফেই প্রচুর শিশুকে অংশগ্রহণ করতে দেখা যায়। তাদের অনেকেরই বয়স দশ বছরের কম, অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই সংঘর্ষে লিপ্ত বয়স্ক মানুষের কন্ঠ ছাপিয়ে শোনা গেছে শিশুদের চিৎকার।
এর আগে হেফাজতে ইসলাম যে কর্মসূচী পালন করেছে তাতে বহু মাদ্রাসা ছাত্রকে যোগ দিতে দেখা গেছে, যাদের বয়স আঠারো বছরের অনেক কম।
রবিবার মধ্যরাতে পুলিশের সাঁড়াশি আক্রমণে পালিয়ে যাওয়া এমন বহু শিশু সোমবার ঢাকার পথে পথে ঘুরছিল। এমন একজনের সাথে কথা হয় আমার, যার বয়স কোনোমতেই পনেরোর বেশী নয়।
ছেলেটি বলছিলো সে নোয়াখালীর একটি আলিয়া মাদ্রাসার নবম শ্রেনীর ছাত্র। সে রাতে পুলিশের তাড়া খেয়ে দলছুট হয়ে গেছে। এখন সে নোয়াখালীতে ফিরে যেতে চায়। কিন্তু কোথা দিয়ে কীভাবে যেতে হবে সেটা সে জানে না।
শুধু গত কয়েকদিন সহিংস কর্মসূচীতে নয়, সাম্প্রতিক সময়ে প্রায় সব ধরণের রাজনৈতিক কর্মসূচী কিংবা অরাজনৈতিক সংগঠনের বড় ধরণের আন্দোলন-বিক্ষোভে দেখা গেছে শিশুদেরকে ব্যাবহার করতে।
যুদ্ধাপরাধীদের সর্বোচ্চ শাস্তির দাবিতে শাহবাগে সম্প্রতি যে দীর্ঘ আন্দোলন হয়, সেখানেও দেখা গেছে একই চিত্র।
"আমরা কোনো মতেই চাই না শিশুদের এমন জায়গায় ব্যবহার করা হোক যেখানে সহিংসতা হবার সম্ভাবনা আছে। সেখানে শিশুরা অংশ নিক। "
আমিনুল ইসলাম, ইউনিসেফের শিশু নিরাপত্তা বিশেষজ্ঞ
শাহবাগ আন্দোলনের ফেসবুক মুখপাত্র হিসেবে পরিচিত শাহবাগে সাইবার যুদ্ধ নামের সাইটে প্রকাশিত একটি ছবিতে আমি দেখছিলাম, একটি মোমবাতি প্রজ্জলন কর্মসূচীতে একটি শিশুকে কাঁধে করে নিয়ে গেছে তার অভিভাবক। শিশুটির মাথায় বাঁধা ব্যান্ডানায় লেখা, রাজাকারের ফাঁসি চাই।
অপরদিকে, শাহবাগ আন্দোলনের বিরোধী পক্ষ হিসেবে পরিচিত একটি ফেসবুক পাতা, বাঁশের কেল্লায় একটি শিশুর মৃতদেহের ছবি প্রকাশিত হয়েছে।
সেটির ক্যাপশনে লেখা, সপ্তম শ্রেণীর পড়ুয়া এই শিশুটি গত আটাশে ফেব্রুয়ারী মৃত্যুদন্ডপ্রাপ্ত জামায়াত নেতা দেলোয়ার হোসাইন সাঈদীর মুক্তির দাবিতে একটি সংঘর্ষে জড়িয়ে পরে মারা যায়, এবং সে ইসলামী ছাত্র শিবিরের সমর্থক।
এই বিষয়গুলো নজরে এনেছিলাম জাতিসংঘের শিশু বিষয়ক সংস্থা ইউনিসেফের শিশু নিরাপত্তা বিশেষজ্ঞ আমিনুল ইসলামের।
মি. ইসলাম বলছিলেন, ‘সরকারী হোক কিংবা সরকারবিরোধী যে কোন জায়গাই হোক না কেন, আমরা কোনো মতে চাই না শিশুদের এমন জায়গায় ব্যবহার করা হোক যেখানে সহিংসতা হবার সম্ভাবনা আছে। সেখানে শিশুরা অংশ নিক। এটা যদি কোনো অভিভাবক করেন, আইনের দৃষ্টিতে সেটা তারা করতে পারেন না’।
"অভিভাবকদেরই খেয়াল রাখতে হবে যে তাদের শিশুরা যাতে এধরনের কোনো সহিংসতা কিংবা রাজনৈতিক কর্মসূচীর সংস্পর্শে আসতে পারে"
তারিকুল ইসলাম, নারী ও শিশু বিষয়ক মন্ত্রণালয়ের সচিব
মিস্টার ইসলাম আরো জানান, বাংলাদেশে শিশু বিষয়ক যে আইন রয়েছে সেখানে স্পষ্টভাবে এধরণের কর্মসূচীতে শিশুদেরকে ব্যবহার করাটাকে শাস্তিযোগ্য অপরাধ হিসেবে বিবেচনা করা হয়।
সেই সাথে, জাতিসংঘের শিশুরক্ষা বিষয়ক সনদেও বাংলাদেশ স্বাক্ষর করেছে, যেখানে কোনও রাজনৈতিক কর্মসূচীতে শিশুদের ব্যাবহার নিষিদ্ধ করা হয়েছে।
তবে এক্ষেত্রে আইন প্রয়োগের চাইতে অভিভাবকদের উদ্বুদ্ধ করবার উপর বেশী গুরত্বারোপ করছেন দেশটির নারী ও শিশু বিষয়ক মন্ত্রনালয়ের সচিব তারিকুল ইসলাম।
তিনি বলেন, ‘আমরা চাই শিশুরা তাদের অভিভাবকের সাথে থাকুক। এ ব্যাপারে অভিভাবকদের যতভাবে সাহায্য করা যায় সেটা আমরা করছি, যাতে করে অভিভাবকরাই খেয়াল রাখতে পারে যে তাদের শিশুরা এধরনের কোনো সহিংসতা কিংবা রাজনৈতিক কর্মসূচীর সংস্পর্শে আসতে পারে’।
এখানে উল্লেখ করা যেতে পারে, আঠারো বছরের কমবয়েসী সব মানুষকেই শিশু হিসেবে গণ্য করে জাতিসংঘ।

Campaign rally fall Imran Khan injured in Pakistan 
Leading Pakistani politician Imran Khan has been hurt after falling off a makeshift lift that was taking him onto a stage at an election rally in Lahore.

He suffered a visible head injury, but a spokesman for the Shaukat Khanum hospital said his condition was stable.
The former cricketer later appeared on television from his hospital bed.
He urged Pakistanis to vote in Saturday's parliamentary elections, in which his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party is expected to do well.
Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif - who leads the rival Pakistan Muslim League-N and is slightly ahead of Mr Khan in the polls - announced he was suspending his campaign for a day, out of respect for his opponent.

Australia builds a world-beater
About the author
A BBC correspondent based in Sydney, Phil has sniffed out stories in every corner of Australia and beyond, into the South Pacific and Southeast Asia, to the car-clogged heart of Jakarta and the usually tranquil streets of Samoa (which suffered brief chaos when drivers were ordered to switch from the right hand side of the road to the left). He drives a family-friendly Mazda.

Bangladesh Savar death toll crosses 700

The death toll from the collapse of an eight-storey factory building near the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, has passed 700, officials say.
The announcement came after workers pulled dozens more bodies from the rubble. Many people are still missing.
Several people, including the building's owner, have been arrested.
The collapse of the Rana Plaza on 24 April stands as Bangladesh's worst industrial disaster. It sparked outrage among workers in the country.
The previous most deadly structural failure in modern times - excluding the 9/11 terror attacks in New York - was the Sampoong department store in Seoul, South Korea, in 1995, in which 502 people died.
The death toll from Bangladesh now stands at 705. Officials say about 2,500 people were injured in the collapse and that 2,437 people have been rescued.
Rescue officials also say they do not know exactly how many people are still missing as factory owners have not given them precise figures.
Working conditions It came as hundreds of garment workers who survived the collapse protested by blocking a highway close to the accident site demanding unpaid wages and benefits.
Reports say many of them were working in some of the factories housed in the illegally constructed building.
Local government administrator Yousuf Harun told the Associated Press news agency that they are working with a garment industry body to ensure the workers are paid.
The disaster put the spotlight on conditions in the country's garment sector.
Bangladesh has one of the largest garment industries in the world, and some of the clothes produced in the building were made for Western retailers.
The EU has said it is considering "appropriate action" to encourage an improvement in working conditions in Bangladesh factories.
This includes the use of its trade preference system, which gives Bangladesh duty- and quota-free access to markets in member states.
On Monday the government announced a panel that would inspect garment factories for building flaws.
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