Childbirth pain plagued by Two Guys (man )

It is time for a woman to bear the pain, I have a lot of interest puruserai. The experience of childbirth pain is real? This chapter has been strikingly TV presenter Dennis Storm and bhalerio nedaralyandera the genre.

They went to the hospital with an artificial device practical experience pain in childbirth.

One of them in front of the camera at the time of entering into the fun, the women say that it is the most difficult task. However, in our opinion, all the little girls are Increasing. "

The body of the electrical device (ilekatradasa) when you start to have pain in their courageous spirit is netiye. I love that you have to go look. The earlier increase their pain citkarao grow higher. Yantranaya the presenter told the press that pillow, I have always churate. Only two hours away is not going to open up the machine prompts you for the 'birapurusa.

The exit from the hospital at the time of the crash two Dutch men and expression, it is actually very good.

Genre presenter said, 'The mother of the joke. Mother, forgive me wait. 'His sbikarukti, women superheroes really.'    
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